Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Meditative state



 A meditative state is characterized by a relaxed mind, silent thoughts, and a sense of presence. To accomplish this through self-practice, select a quiet location and sit comfortably. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and concentrate on your breath. If ideas occur, softly return your focus to the breath. Begin with 5-10 minutes daily and gradually increase the time. Body scans or repeating a mantra (such as "Om" or "peace") can aid to improve attention. Consistency is essential—with time, you'll build awareness and the ability to reach this state more effortlessly, both in practice and in everyday situations.

A meditative state is a deeply relaxed, focused state of consciousness where your mind becomes calm, and you experience clarity, stillness, and inner awareness. It’s often described as being fully present in the moment without distraction, judgment, or attachment to thoughts. Below are different techniques to help you achieve this state.

1. Controlled breathing.

2. Body Scan Relaxation

3. Mantra Meditation

4. Guided Meditation

5. Mindful Observation

6. Visualizations

7. Movement Meditation (Yoga, Walking, or Tai Chi)

8. Observe Thoughts Without Attachment

9. Use of Sound (Sound Baths or Music)

10. Practice Regularly

How to attain a meditative state:

1. Controlled breathing.

• Concentrate on your breathing, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly.

• Try and do box breathing by inhaling for 4 counts, holding for 4, exhaling for 4, and repeating again 4 times

• Pay attention to the sensation of air passing through your nose and lungs.

Why it helps: Calms the nervous system and draws your focus inward.


2. Body Scan Relaxation

• Sit or lie comfortably.
• Focus on each area of your body, beginning with your toes and moving to your head.
• Release tension as you go. 

Why it helps: Promotes relaxation by building body awareness.


3. Mantra Meditation

  • Select a mantra (e.g., “Om” or “Peace”) and repeat it either mentally or aloud.
  • Synchronize your mantra with your breath or heartbeat.

Why it helps: The repetition anchors your mind and prevents it from wandering.


4. Guided Meditation

• Listen to audio coaching for relaxation, images, or affirmations.
• Use apps or videos for guided meditation experiences.

Why it helps: Helps beginners focus without worrying about technique.


5. Mindful Observation

  • Choose an object (e.g., a candle flame or plant) and observe it with complete attention.
  • Notice the colours, textures, and patterns, without labelling or analysing them.

Why it helps: Trains you to stay in the present moment.


6. Visualizations

  • Close your eyes and imagine a peaceful scene, like a beach or forest.
  • Engage all your senses—feel the warmth, hear the sounds, and smell the air.

Why it helps: Relaxes the mind and promotes deeper focus.


7. Movement Meditation (Yoga, Walking, or Tai Chi)

• Practice attentive movements and breathing.
 • For walking meditation, focus on each stride and how your foot feels on the ground.

Why it helps: Integrates mind and body, ideal for those who struggle with stillness.


8. Observe Thoughts Without Attachment

  • When thoughts arise, notice them, but don't engage.
  • Visualize them as clouds passing by, or leaves floating on a stream.

Why it helps: Trains the mind not to react or attach to thoughts, leading to inner stillness.


9. Use of Sound (Sound Baths or Music)

  • Meditate with calming sounds such as Tibetan bowls, chimes, or soft ambient music.
  • Focus on how the sound vibrations resonate in your body.

Why it helps: Sound helps shift brainwaves to a meditative state.


10. Practice Regularly

  • Start with 5-10 minutes daily, gradually increasing the time.
  • Set a regular time and place to meditate to create a habit.


Signs You've Entered a Meditative State

  • Reduced mental chatter
  • You may experience reduced mental chatter
  • A sense of timelessness
  • Deep relaxation while being attentive
  • Increased awareness or clarity
  • A sense of connection to the moment.


By practicing consistently, you will find it easier to enter and stay in this meditative state, reaping both emotional and mental benefits.

#meditation #meditativestate #meditativeprayer

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Cheated/Betrayal in Love

When someone feels cheated in love, it triggers a complex chemical and emotional response in the brain, primarily involving stress, emotional pain, and betrayal. Here’s a breakdown of the chemical reactions involved:

 Chemical and emotional response in 'feelings of being cheated' 
  •  Cortisol (Stress Hormone)
  • Adrenaline
  • Oxytocin and Vasopressin (Love Hormones)
  • Dopamine (Reward System)
  • Serotonin (Mood Regulation)
  • Endorphins (Pain Relief) 

  1. Cortisol (Stress Hormone): When you feel betrayed, the body perceives it as a stressful event. The brain, specifically the hypothalamus, signals the adrenal glands to release cortisol, which leads to the "fight or flight" response. This can cause increased heart rate, anxiety, and a sense of unease.
  2. Adrenaline: In moments of emotional pain or betrayal, adrenaline may also spike, leading to heightened awareness and arousal. This is the body's way of preparing for immediate action, even though the trigger is emotional rather than physical.
  3. Oxytocin and Vasopressin (Love Hormones): These hormones are associated with bonding and attachment. When you feel cheated, the disruption in your attachment to someone can lead to a rapid decline in these chemicals, contributing to feelings of emptiness or loss.
  4. Dopamine (Reward System): In a healthy relationship, dopamine is released when you're with someone you love, reinforcing positive feelings. However, when you are betrayed, this system is disrupted, leading to a sudden drop in dopamine. This creates a withdrawal-like sensation, similar to what happens when someone loses something they are addicted to.
  5. Serotonin (Mood Regulation): Cheating or betrayal can cause a drop in serotonin, which may lead to depressive symptoms, such as sadness, rumination, and low mood.
  6. Endorphins (Pain Relief): Emotional pain often triggers a similar response in the brain as physical pain. As a result, the body may release endorphins in an attempt to soothe the emotional hurt, although this relief is usually temporary.

Overall, the feelings of being cheated can lead to a cocktail of stress, emotional pain, and physiological reactions, making it a highly distressing experience for many.

 Physiological reactions in 'feelings of being cheated' 
  •  Betrayal Trauma
  • Lowered Self-Esteem
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Anger and Resentment
  • Fear of Intimacy
  • Obsessive Thoughts
  • Loneliness and Isolation
  • Trust Issues
  • Difficulty Moving On
  • Rumination and Self-Blame

Feeling cheated in love can have significant psychological effects on an individual, often leading to a range of emotional and mental health challenges. Some common psychological impacts include:

1. Betrayal Trauma: The feeling of being deceived by someone close can cause a deep sense of betrayal, leading to trust issues.

2. Lowered Self-Esteem: The person might start questioning their worth, attractiveness, and whether they are deserving of love.

3. Depression and Anxiety: Feelings of sadness, helplessness, and hopelessness are common, as the individual may experience a loss of connection and emotional stability.

4. Anger and Resentment: Anger towards the partner who cheated and, in some cases, toward oneself for not seeing the signs earlier.

5. Fear of Intimacy: After being cheated on, individuals often become more guarded, fearing that being emotionally or physically vulnerable will lead to further pain.

6. Obsessive Thoughts: Many experiences repetitive thoughts about the infidelity, constantly replaying events or imagining scenarios, which can cause distress and interfere with daily functioning.

7. Loneliness and Isolation: Feeling abandoned or unwanted can trigger social withdrawal. The cheated person might isolate themselves.

8. Trust Issues: It becomes difficult to trust future partners or even close friends. The fear that others will also betray them can result in emotional distance.

9. Difficulty Moving On: Letting go of the relationship can be hard due to emotional attachment, and individuals may hold onto the pain or hope for reconciliation, which delays healing.

10. Rumination and Self-Blame: People often ruminate over the relationship, analysing what went wrong. This can lead to excessive self-blame, thinking they were not enough or could have done more to prevent the cheating.

#betrayal #cheated #feelingslost
#betrayalinlove #loneliness #trustissues #selfblame

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Three Love letters


 Love letters are the thoughts of someone, someone you haven't met in years can resurface for many reasons, often tied to deep emotions and memories that never truly fade. Sometimes, the mind associates certain feelings, experiences, or even a song with that person, rekindling old memories. It could be a longing for the connection you once had, unresolved emotions, or simply a moment of nostalgia. Even if time has passed, the impact that person had on your life may still linger in your heart, making their memory resurface unexpectedly, especially when you experience something that reminds you of them.

 Three ways that you can express depth of love in just a few words, full of emotion.


My beloved,

Your memories are etched in every corner of my heart. Whenever I think of your smile and those innocent eyes, my heart skips a beat. Life feels incomplete without you. The moments we spend together feel like the entire world is within my grasp. In your arms, I find peace, and your voice carries a magic that eases every pain. You are present in my every moment, in my every dream. Nothing is more special to me than you. Always yours,
[Your Name]


My love,

Your memory today brings both peace and restlessness to my heart. Your laughter, those warm embraces, and the depth of your eyes—I can feel everything. When you're close to me, time seems to stand still. Every moment in the closeness of your breath feels special. Without you, these nights feel incomplete. Your touch, your scent, everything has become a part of my soul. I simply long to feel you once again.

[Your Name]



My beloved,

Today, when I heard that song, the thought of you became even deeper in my heart. Without you, life feels incomplete. In every word, in every melody, I can only feel your love. Your laughter, your words, everything touches my heart. I want to spend every moment with you, just like that song that connects hearts to hearts. You are the beauty in every moment of my life.

Forever yours,
[Your Name]


 It’s beautiful how music has the power to evoke emotions, and Bollywood romantic songs are filled with passion, tenderness, and longing. When you listen to those melodies, they might stir the deepest feelings in your heart and bring thoughts of the person who makes you feel cherished and loved. The lyrics and tunes often mirror the emotions you associate with love, and perhaps the connection you feel towards someone is reflected in the music. Your heart goes to them because the music resonates with the love, affection, and dreams you hold for them.


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Tamas, Rajas, Sattva

 "जीवन दाता एक है समदर्शी भगवान जैसी जिसकी पात्रता वैसा जीवन दान, वैसा जीवन दान

तमस रजस सद्गुणवती माता प्रकृति प्रधान जैसी जननी भावना वैसी ही संतान, वैसी ही संतान "

"Life giver is one, like the impartial God,
Who bestows life according to one's worth, such is the gift of life, such is the gift of life.
Tamas (inertia), Rajas (activity), Sattva (virtue) endowed mother nature is supreme,
The sentiments of the mother determine the nature of the child, such is the offspring, such is the offspring."


This quotation sheds light on various aspects of life, encompassing the relationship between God, nature, and human beings. Let's understand this in detail:

  1. "Life giver is one, like the impartial God, who bestows life according to one's worth, such is the gift of life, such is the gift of life"

"जीवन दाता एक है समदर्शी भगवान जैसी जिसकी पात्रता वैसा जीवन दान, वैसा जीवन दान

This line means that the giver of life is solely God, who is impartial (one who sees everyone with equal vision). God provides life to all beings without any discrimination.
Here, it is mentioned that the life we receive is based on our worth or actions. As our actions are, so is the life we receive.
This refers to the principle of karma (Cause and Effect), which states that every person reaps the fruits of their actions. Life experiences and circumstances depend on one's worthiness and deeds.


  1. "Tamas, Rajas, Sattva endowed mother nature is supreme, the sentiments of the mother determine the nature of the child, such is the offspring, such is the offspring"

तमस रजस सद्गुणवती माता प्रकृति प्रधान जैसी जननी भावना वैसी ही संतान, वैसी ही संतान "

This line means that Mother Nature (Prakriti or Creation) is also a life-giver and is primarily based on the three qualities (Tamas, Rajas, Sattva).

    • Tamas signifies laziness, ignorance, or darkness.
    • Rajas signifies activity, desire, and conflict.
    • Sattva signifies knowledge, peace, and purity.
      This line says that the nature of a person is determined by the mental state, upbringing, and sentiments of their parents or caregivers.
      The qualities and life of a child are deeply influenced by the thoughts, ideology, and values of their parents. Here, "mother" is symbolically seen as nature or the force that gives birth to and nurtures life.

This quote conveys that the only giver of life is God, who views all beings equally and grants the gift of life according to their worth (karma). Similarly, nature shapes life, and like a mother, it determines a person's nature and character based on the three qualities (Tamas, Rajas, Sattva).
It emphasizes the importance of actions and qualities that influence life's experiences and a person's nature.


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Verse - the Bhagavad Gita

 This verse is from the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 4, Verses 7 and 8, where Lord Krishna explains the purpose of his divine incarnations (avatars). Here is the meaning of both shlokas:

Verse 4.7:

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्॥

Yadā yadā hi dharmasya glānir bhavati Bhārata,
Abhyutthānam adharmasya tadātmānam sṛjāmyaham.

Translation: "Whenever there is a decline in righteousness (dharma) and an increase in unrighteousness (adharma), O Bharata (Arjuna), at that time I manifest myself on earth."

Verse 4.8:

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय दुष्कृताम्।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे॥

Paritrāṇāya sādhūnāṁ vināśhāya cha duṣhkṛitām,
Dharmasaṁsthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yuge yuge.


Translation: "To protect the virtuous (sādhus), to destroy the wicked, and to re-establish the principles of dharma, I appear millennium after millennium."

"For the protection of the virtuous, the destruction of the wicked, and the establishment of dharma, I incarnate myself from age to age."

Overall Explanation:

These verses explain the reasons for divine incarnations (avatars). Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that whenever righteousness (dharma) is in decline and unrighteousness (adharma) prevails, he takes birth in a physical form. The primary purposes of his incarnation are to protect the good, annihilate the evil-doers, and restore the balance of dharma on Earth. This process is continuous, occurring whenever necessary across different ages (yugas).