Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Choosing friends for ourselves is similar to selecting high-quality vegetables, preparing them in the best way, and buying ourselves new clothes.

We spend time at the market choosing vegetables that are free of insects and making sure they are of the highest quality because our health is at stake.

Similar to this, when we cook vegetables, we rely on our instincts and ensure that the finished product looks good and tastes great. Even though we never measure the spices we add to the vegetables, the results are always the best. WHY? Since we rely on our instincts.

The same is true when purchasing clothing. We frequently purchase clothing that we never want to wear. Therefore, it is best to go out and purchase the ones that only cut the first cord.

Everyone possesses a sixth sense; all we need to do is learn how to use it to its fullest potential.

People emit both positive and negative energy; we only need to use our sixth sense to distinguish between the wise and the uninformed. There are only ignorant people; there are no good or bad people.

The truth is that we all possess a sixth sense; all we need to do is awaken it by examining who we are, which can only be done with meditation's assistance. Be positive and specific when expressing your thoughts so that others will feel the same way about you and think positively of you.


Two eyes, ears and only one brain and one heart?

Two eyes, ears and only one brain and one heart?
Why is it so that we have?
Two eyes
Two ears
Two arms and hands
Two legs and feet

And only

One Brain
One mouth
One heart

Two eyes to see more. Two ears to listen more. Two arms and hands to help others more and more. Two legs and two feet to walk efficiently.

One brain to think deeply and wisely with one way balance. One mouth to speak less and whenever necessary speaks wisely. One heart to let us less distracted.

Two ears to listen more and one mouth to speak less and wisely. When we listen more then only we will grasp more.

Eyes see the things and the images are sent to brain to think and analyze what is good and what is bad. Install your minds memory cards with good pics, music and good thoughts. Giving pass to the unwanted and bad thoughts will improve our forgiving powers.

Ignore the things which don’t want them to be got changed. We can argue or have a debate with that person only who knows about both the sides, i.e., pros and cons but we can not argue with a person who is not ready to listen to what we have to say. It’s a human nature that a person thinks that he a smarter from all others. But the ones who remain neutrals in all the situations and the ones who are good listeners are the ones who are to be called true humans.

One heart so that it is distracted less and let us be focused.


Listen more speak less.

Talk less analyze more.

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion.
Abraham Lincoln

Friday, November 25, 2011


The best way to bring positive energy inside us is to clean all the clutter from our mind and heart. Likewise we do Diwali cleaning and spring cleaning of our house similarly we have to do cleaning of our self too. We have to remove old show pieces  from the shelve to make a place for new show pieces similarly we have to clean the clutter of our heart and mind to make way for positive energy to enter and bloom into us. Unload the excess baggage, use vacuum cleaner to clean the walls of mind and heart. Refuse to live in the past and be vigilant towards the thought that wants to enter in the minds. Remove all the clutter that belongs to the bitter past. Keep in mind that, “I LIVE IN TODAY NOT IN THE PAST”.

 Don’t let yourself get indulge towards sparkling gold plated thoughts that loose there sheen instantly. Evil thoughts have short life as they have fake platting that looses it sheen after being touched. As they say change yourself before you change others. Love yourself to get loved by others. Install the spray of happiness in you so that where ever you go happiness is spread all over.

Practice meditation to be cool and clam with your thoughts and in your looks. So, when other look at them should they feel like talking to you. Be a good listener not a talker. Share your joy with everyone. Listen to there sorrows. Always be ready to lend your shoulder for others to cry on it. Smile heals all the wounds so smile always.

Dalai Lama said once,” Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. “

 Be happy and spread happiness.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Unconditional Love & Relationships…….

Unconditional Love & Relationships…….

I LOVE YOU, this is an expression that we don’t have to  repeat again and again but yes we have to mean it .As they say actions speak louder than words, so, to mean that you love is more important than saying it all day long.  Every relationship works on only one thing and that is GIVE AND TAKE. Give love take love, give trust take trust, give care take care, give respect take respect, , give happiness take happiness and the most important give yourself and take other one’s self. Neither money nor any other expensive thing can take place of give and take. One can spend lots of money to buy worldly things having impression that they will give them happiness. Yes they give happiness but that happiness is just an impression in our mind that we are happy.

Every relationship goes on right track when it has US and We in it. Like love, Love is love it cannot be how much? Or how many? Hello! Its love not a potato or onion which can be bought in mass how much and how many. Love is the feeling; one can be in love for all his life. And that’s the only reason that we have NUNS and SAINTS among the humans. Because they are dedicated lovers, they are always in love and that too the unconditional love.

Love is love when it is unconditional. Unconditional love is “to give love freely” to the loved one “NO MATTER WHAT”. Unconditional love is based on deep rooted feeling. If it is not unconditional then it is just an infatuation. And infatuation has got short life because it has got the base of passion; passion is like fire once the fire dies the passion dies.

So, the most important is that love should be always unconditional,” No matter what”. And no matter with whom. If its not unconditional than it is not Love then it is just a Relationship. Giving all of our self is Love and expecting Love is just a relationship. Love is divine and relationships are life’s requirements. Both have there own distinctive place. We are humans, for us relationships are reality and for healthy relationship there is only one way and only one path that is “GIVE AND TAKE”.


Desire is the sense of longing for something desperately. Its human nature our desires are endless, so all our life we crave for one thing or other. Since our childhood the feeling of ‘to have something more’ keep us busy and in deep constant grieve, we crave for one thing and when we get that thing we crave for other thing and then for next and then for other next thing, forgetting that these all things are with us just for the time being after that we will be all alone and one day we have to leave everything behind us and have go empty handed.

Desires have no end desire to live, desire to earn money, desire to be with someone, desire to be loved, desire to have things more then we can absorb and many more desires that we can remember. A desire transforms a simple human being into an obsessed person that further leads him to the valley of sorrow and distress. It’s like a black hole there is only one way and there is no way out but only we have to face total blackout.

So the question is what is and where is the end of these endless desires. Technically there can not be any end to desires because to be free from all desires is also a DESIRE. But yes we can divide them between` have to have’ one and other ones` the unwanted one’ we can just dump them forever and ever.

To control our desires we should practice Meditation regularly. Yes, it is not an easy way but that’s what the life is all about. Desire have short life ,its just a matter of 2-3 minutes ,if we can let pass that little time then we can win the demon of desire. Sitting quietly and firmly without moving a limb and consternate on our thoughts weather they are good or bad jut let them come in our mind. Just giving every kind of thought a pass will further help us to reach our goal. Meditation done with mind, heart and soul will help us to have total control on our useless desires…..