Monday, June 20, 2022

Tomb or Remembrance of Love

My city, where I was born, used to be lovely and innocent like newborns, but now that I see how polluted, crowded, and hot and muggy my hometown has turned out to be, I feel.

After visiting city after city, I find myself reflecting on the question of whether technology is a blessing or a scourge.
Pollution and pandemics are a curse, but I feel grief because my generation and I have witnessed all of this alleged evolution taking place day by day.

Was it really necessary? Technology was intended to bring us closer together, but look how far we have come apart—a BIG problem—we are also separated from ourselves.

whenever I travel to these locations What a place it must have been back then, a land without fans, the nicest place on earth.

Photos by Me by My Samsung E5: