Tuesday, December 6, 2011


खालीपन, खालीपन सा कहाँ होता है,
जिसे हम खाली-खाली  कहते,
उसमे भी तोह खाली जगहे ही है.......

I feel alone. It is, but if I believe it, I must be. Because there is a tonne of empty space in the solitude. So, isn't it great that we have a tonne of empty space that we may fill as we please? We can find a creative way to use that loneliness.

Simply said, loneliness is a condition of mind. So, isn't it simple to eliminate loneliness from our lives by controlling our thoughts? Every everyone experiences loneliness at some point in their lifetime. Every single day that begins in the morning ends in the night. Everything that has a beginning eventually comes to an end. Everything in our world is temporary and mortal. The same is true for the feeling of loneliness.

like how we take care of our home kitchen garden. We cultivate the veggies we enjoy eating. Every day, we take care of the garden to ensure that no weeds or stray plants flourish there; if they do, we must pull them out and discard them. Similar to this, we must maintain our minds free of any unwelcome thoughts or ideas. To keep our mental gardens healthy and well-maintained, we must regularly tend to them.

We must practice "SELF LOVE" if we want to overcome our feelings of loneliness. We will discover that others will start to value us when we learn to care more about ourselves. Learn to appreciate and know yourself. That will make it simpler for people to identify qualities in you that they might enjoy.

There is no way out once we are born into this planet; we must live it out. And there are only two ways to live: either blissfully or via constant crying. So why not make a better decision, live a joyful life, and spread happiness everywhere you go?



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